Many of the spring college decisions are already in bloom through e-mail, texting, and even snail mail. Since senior
anxiety can be high at this time of year, I have one word of advice. OK, it's actually a number.
To begin with, calm down. This is not the high score on some new version of the SAT, and while it may indeed
be the number of robocalls you received for presidential candidates in the last week, that (happily) has nothing to
do with college. 850 is the number of valedictorians rejected in 2010 from one of America's most prestigious colleges, according to an anonymous source. These students represented the best in their high schools; they did everything they were
"supposed" to do--and yet, they didn't even get to the wait list.
At this point, you're probably thinking one of two things:
1. "Wow, they put in all of that work for nothing."
2. "Geez, if they can't get in, I don't stand a chance."
First things first. It had to be hard to be turned down by a school they loved--but did all of that preparation really
lead to nothing? Given everything these students had learned, the many ways they had grown, and how they overcame
adversity and embraced creativity in making Plans B, C, and Q, did they really get nothing out of it?
If so, they have every right to be unhappy, but not with the college. They should be unhappy for letting the sun
rise and set 1307 times from the first day of 9th grade to the day the college said no, never once appreciating all
that each of those days had to offer in and of themselves.
They should hang their heads a little to realize, just now, the difference they've made to their classmates, their
teammates, and the people they served in the soup kitchen.
And if they look back with a little regret on the many times they blew off a compliment from a parent or a teacher
because the goal of college wasn't realized just yet, that's more than OK. They now know it was at that moment
that the goal of fully living each day was conquered with a flourish--and understanding that will make each day all
the richer at the wonderful college that had the good sense (and room) to take them.
What about the colleges you've applied to? They're looking for great students who have done wonderful things
with their lives, and will work nicely with the other students that are coming to campus. That blend goes beyond
test scores and class rank--it goes to who you are, what you care about, and how you see the world.
The thing to focus on then, is not who told you no, but who told you yes. If a college wants you but runs out of
room, that's their fault; if they don't see you for who you really are, well, maybe that's not the place for you after
all. Either way, your contributions will be greatly admired, and badly needed, by the college that has the good sense
to tell you yes--which means any no, from any college, simply cannot touch you.