Preparing Students for Life!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Manufacturing Opportunities

This excerpt is taken from the Career Jump Start Newsletter

Manufacturing companies in Michigan continue to report a shortage of skilled workers for their firms.


Manufacturing Fast Facts:

  • Manufacturing remains among the largest provider of jobs in Michigan
  • Career opportunities include engineers, designers, machinists, computer programmers and so much more
  • Michigan was ranked #1 for manufacturing job creation from December 2009 to March 2013
  • Over 70% of Americans view manufacturing as the most important industry for a strong economy and national defense BUT only 30% of parents encourage their kids to enter manufacturing
  • By 2030, 77% of skilled baby boomers will have left the workforce

A Look at Manufacturing

Most careers in manufacturing are better paid than similar careers in other industries. Some have very easy-to-meet requirements. Others require a college degree or more.
Read more to learn about automotive technology, computer aided design, engineering technology, logistics and distribution, maintenance, installation, repair, production, and welding.