Find out which colleges will be at the fair (a list may be posted on the fair’s Web site) and write down the names of the ones you want to learn about.
Make a list of any questions you have.
Bring your list, a pen, paper and a bag to hold college brochures.
Make sure the email address that you give out won’t embarrass you — remember, college admission officers will see it.
While You’re There
Get a map of the fair and plan a route that will take you to the booths of all the colleges on your list. If there is no map available, do a quick survey of the room to locate your colleges.
Visit booths and ask college representatives questions. For example, you can ask, “What kind of students are you looking for?” or “What makes your campus special?”
Take a minute to jot down any information you think is important before moving on to the next booth.
Check out some of the other booths when you’re done with the colleges on your list. You may stumble onto a great college you hadn't considered.
Attend an information session, if any are offered. Typical topics include applications and financial aid. These sessions are good opportunities to get expert advice.
When You Get Home
Ask yourself which colleges stood out and why.
Organize the college material you collected and review it that week while it’s fresh in your mind.
Go over any notes you took during the fair.
Discard the pamphlets of colleges you’ve ruled out so you can focus on the colleges you’re interested in.
Do more research on the colleges you’re thinking about. Explore Web sites, contact the admissions office, or plan a campus visit. If you liked what you saw at the fair, it may be time to see the college in person.