Preparing Students for Life!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Daily Practice for the New SAT

Warning: Reading further will eliminate any excuse not to practice for the SAT.
Download the SAT QOTD Mobile App from the Apple App Store Download the SAT QOTD Mobile App from Google Play

One Question a Day, Zero Excuses

Make practice part of your routine — any place, any time. Answer a question a day on the Daily Practice for the New SAT app and get immediate feedback. The free app makes it easy to:
  • Answer an exclusive, official reading, writing and language, or math question.
  • Reveal a hint if you’re stuck.
  • Read answer explanations and learn from your mistakes.
  • Keep at it — daily practice can only sharpen your skills.

Instant Practice Test Scoring

Simulate test day and take the SAT or PSAT 10 on paper. Then — for the first time ever — take a picture of your answer sheet and get an instant score.
Here’s how Scan and Score works:
  1. Take a complete SAT practice test or PSAT 10 practice test, using the official answer sheet to bubble in your answers.
  2. Open Daily Practice and activate your phone’s camera.
  3. Keeping the app open, scan your answer sheet with your phone’s camera.
And there it is in seconds: your score. Scores are saved so you can track your progress.
Next, dig into the question-by-question details, then connect to Official SAT Practice at Khan Academy® for personalized study.