Wondering where your creativity can take you in the world of work?
Instead of wondering, wander over to Steelcase and hear from some professionals who have built incredible careers around design and creativity.
WHEN: May 17, 2016 from 6:00pm – 7:30pm
WHERE: The Learning Center @ Steelcase
WHO: Students (and their parents/guardians) in grades 7-12 (or teachers) who are interested in careers focused around solving problems and finding solutions in creative ways (this could be anyone from an engineer to a graphic artist!)
WHAT: Meet a member of the technical innovation team, a ‘think’ facilitator, and a professional illustrator who have developed design skills and creativity in ways you may have never considered. Learn about the type of training and experiences can help structure your own skill set and participate in a brief workshop designed to illustrate the process of creative problem solving. The experience will end with a tour of the Learning Center Facility; you won’t want to miss this experience!
SIGN ME UP! If you are interested in attending this FREE event please register here. The space is limited so please sign up soon!